In April 2024 Marie Curie approached Youth Assembly regarding a project they have been leading on for the last three years which is focused on addressing the need for better information and support for pupils on grief education and bereavement support.
The programme has included piloting interactive teacher training on supporting bereaved young people and lesson materials for teachers to use. It has also included surveys with parents, carers and young people to better understand their views on whether loss/ bereavement should be discussed in school and to gather their experiences of support provided by schools for young people who have been bereaved.
Marie Curie asked Youth Assembly Members to work with them on this project to ensure a wider youth demographic. Youth Assembly Members completed an online survey which was open from 15 May 2024 until 5 July 2024. The survey was also shared with members of the Youth Assembly Consultation forum. In total, there were 105 responses.
The ‘Bereavement Support and Grief Education – Youth Assembly Survey Report’ has now been published and you can view the findings of the survey.